For Parents:

With Remini’s app you can instantly capture and share your child’s developmental milestones, candid moments, and important events. With our secure application you can safely share your child’s life story with close family and friends.




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FAQs for parents

How is Remini different than other social media applications?

Other than Remini there are no social media applications perfect enough for capturing the memories of our little ones under one canopy. Remini makes it easy and keeps it safe. It is specifically tailored to meet the needs of parents with small children who have little time to make prints and who don’t want their child’s photograph across the internet.

How do friends and family see images and other materials?

For others to view what parents post parents must invite them to sign up and be a ‘fan.’ When parents select an image to be seen by fans all fans can view it. Otherwise everything is private and only parents can change settings.

Does Remini offer any other services?

Remini is working on setting up a service allowing parents to print albums. We’ll provide more information soon.

We value your feedback. If you have any questions please contact us and we will answer you soon.