For Educators:

Remini allows you to communicate with parents safely and quickly. With Remini you can send parents photos and messages about their children’s achievements and progress, photograph projects and interactions, and share class trips and events. You can record and document educational milestones that inform ongoing assessment and planning and save all of the information to albums. And you can quickly send updates and alerts to individual parents or the entire class, share curriculum plans, and create daily or weekly newsletters.




Child Care Pricing

Starting at $15 Per Month


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FAQs for educators

Can I do a trial run and use the app with my staff?

Yes. The app is free for anyone to download.

What are the biggest benefits for educators using Remini?

One of the biggest benefits of using Remini is that pictures can be organized through albums. That means when you need photos of kids for special school projects, holidays, or yearbooks they are easy to find. Furthermore, when educators have more than one class or even teach in different schools images and albums can be placed in separate folders so everything is categorized and easy to find when necessary.

What if I am not technology oriented?

Because we know not everyone is tech-savvy the app’s platform is simple and eloquent. Like anything else it may take a few tries but we have seen educators with little touch technology background pick it up easily. We are also happy to provide step by step tutorials for each action.

Do I need permission from parents to take photos of my students?

In general, if photos are for use in house the answer is no, though every institution has its own policies. Posting photographs from the classroom elsewhere is definitely an issue for many parents because parents don’t want their kid’s photos all over the web. The alternative is Remini, which is a secure space to share.

We value your feedback. If you have any questions please contact us and we will answer you soon.